Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Full Weekend

We started Friday night at the Powder Puff football game for the Eagles Homecoming. And my sweet girl scored a touchdown on a pass/run! Way to go Jules!

A little costume/basketball practice where my sporty girl donned a fairy pretty!

Saturday Jaida had a birthday party and then she and Xin attended their school fall festival where they had a great time Daddy said!!!

Julia, Lulu and I headed to Columbia for the day for a soccer game where the team supported breast cancer awareness month with pink jerseys. And a 7-0 victory boosted everyone's confidence as it has been a tough season. The team moved up to a tougher division this year after winning  the title last year and we have unfortunately had our share of losses.

Sam enjoyed a weekend off and played with friends and watched plenty of football where he cheered the Bulldogs onto victory over the Gators!

We finished the weekend off with a trip to the pumpkin patch followed by carving of the pumpkins! So glad to have our littlest family member with us this year. Lulu was fascinated with the pumpkins and the carving and mostly pulling the seeds and pulp out!

The boys' masterpieces!

The girls' works of art!

A blessed weekend! I love these guys!!!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Oh how I love this child!

Lulu is quite the character and truly entertains herself very well most of the time (now lets try to keep it that way!) This is what she did today:
  She found the dog's crate and climbed in while I did a few things in the garage. I heard her "barking" and turned around and saw this adorable sight!

She played with the packing peanuts for 2 hours while Sam and I did writing! (notice the blue ribbon on her neck...that was the bow on the gift inside the packing peanuts!)  

She "swiffered" while I made dinner. 

Louisa Margaret how this Mommy loves you beyond words!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Charlottesville VA

Will had a few job possibilities in Charlottesville this week and we tagged along. BEAUTIFUL! We went apple picking, winery visiting/tasting, riding around looking at the fall colors, history touring, walking around the quaint areas and eating-lots! Would love to live here. It is a little exciting thinking of the new possibilities out there for our family. I am still struggling with letting God have control, and trusting His timing.......if you feel led to pray in this area I would certainly appreciate your prayers!