Our Adoption Story

Adoption was not something I grew up thinking about or longing to do, but years ago Will and I were at a dinner party and we heard a conversation about orphans. It was heartbreaking. We left there and on our drive home looked at each other and said, "I think we are supposed to do something about that." Two years later, after much thought and prayer, we decided to move forward with adopting from China. 27 months later we were blessed with Jaida. We heard God's call again and in 2010 we brought Xin home. Our youngest child, Louisa, became part of our family in 2012. Through adoption we have been immensely blessed, far beyond what we could ever have anticipated or expected. First and foremost adopting a child gave us a clear picture of how God adopted us as His sons and daughters.WOW! Adoption has brought so many people into our lives that we would never have met. All of them hold a special place in our hearts. They are constant reminders of what living a faith-filled life looks like. We have grown spiritually on this journey as well, through the good and the bad. God has been faithful and God is good. Hearts in our family have been burdened too. A good thing. 147 million orphans. We must be the hands and feet of Christ on this earth to show them His love! We see how our children's lives have been changed through adoption as well. Their worlds' got bigger,they feel a little more, they see a little deeper and they want to make a difference. I pray they will. I pray we all will!