I am speechless
My soul has a deep deep joy
Last year we went on a mission trip to Chenzhou CWI
There were some pretty sick kids there.
One named Sarah with whom our friend Megan cherished deeply
And Julia fell in love with a baby with a severe heart condition
She named her Charlotte
Through God’s grace, He got them to New Hope in Beijing
The day after Charlotte arrived, she was rushed to the hospital for surgery.
They did not think she would survive.
She did!
She is a thriving toddler now.
We have been able to keep up with her progress as we are helping to support her at New Hope.
Julia dedicated her soccer seasons to Charlotte and raised over $2000 in donations to help fund her heart surgery.
We just got word that she is being adopted next month and coming to the US.
She is alive!
She will have a family!
She will be loved!
I sobbed uncontrollably.
I couldn’t get a read on what exactly I was feeling.
You see it is such a series of God ordained events that led to this and I am so humbled He allowed flawed and sinful ME and my daughter to be a part of something so redemptively BEAUTIFUL!
He did not need us but He allowed us to be present and to participate in this beautiful miracle!
My daughter got to witness His greatness at the young age of 16.
How I hope and pray she holds this in her heart throughout her life and allows it to grow into something even more wonderful.
Thank you God for this amazing reminder of your love.
How I wish I could let Charlotte’s birth mother know how her daughter’s story ends…..or just begins.
Sarah has also been given heart surgery and is also making tremendous progress!
She will be adopted next month and coming to the US.
What an amazing God we serve!
And just to add even more fabulousness to this story….
My sweet Angelina is still alive and will be heading to New Hope soon for surgery and care!
Then...weighing about 3-4 lbs. I gave her strict instructions and made her promise when I left to hang on!
Now......she made it! And on the way to get cleft surgery and some nutrients in that tiny little body.
A relationship was established between organizations and they are reaching out to each other
Trying to make a difference in these orphans lives
How much more beautiful does it get!
Thank you Lord for such a miraculous display of your grace and mercy!
Links to past posts concerning these sweet babies:
Keep changing lives!